Online Zoom Yoga

TUesdays 18.15-19:15 GMT


Suitable for those who want a good stretch out, build some core muscle and improve posture but not listen to all the ‘yoga’ stuff!

INFO: Small class paid in 5 block sessions £40 or drop in £10 per class.
You will receive a video recording of the class in case you miss the session or want to do it again!

Wednesdays 18:45-20:00 GMT
Hatha slow flow Yoga

Suitable for those who want a considered practise that will challenge them a bit without being too strong and sweaty! A time to take stock and build on what you come with. Ends with a 10 min savasana to pause and refresh.
INFO: Block bookings are for each month depending on how many Wednesdays there are in the month. Block bookings work out as £8/class or you can pay £10 pay as you go/drop in.
You will receive a video recording of the class in case you miss the session or want to do it again!

Thursdays 14.30-16:00 GMT
gentle yoga for relaxation

A restorative session focusing on warming up the joints and gently moving the body. There will be a few long poses towards the end and a nice long 30 min savasana. Suitable for those who would like to do a gentle, mindful practice using breath to find a place to heal and rest.

INFO: Small class paid in 5 block sessions £50 or drop in £12 per class.
You will receive a video recording of the class in case you miss the session or want to do it again!